Learning the local language will definitely improve the quality of your trip. Being able to interact with local people, even if it is just the pleasantries, will make all the difference and in Spain, if you try to speak a few words of Spanish, you will be rewarded for your efforts. We would suggest getting your hands on a small phrasebook, or app to see you through your trip, but we wanted to give you some phrases that we have found very useful when taking a Macs Adventure. The phrase you will use most on your Camino trip is the simple 'Buen Camino'. People will wish you this as you walk and you will wish it to your fellow pilgrims. It basically means 'good luck and happy travelling on the Camino' and you will hear it everywhere as people encourage you on your way.
Hello - Hola
Good morning - Buenos días
Good afternoon - Buenas tardes
Good night - Buenas noches
Yes - Sí
No - No
Please - Por favor
Thank you - Gracias
Food and Drink
Breakfast - Desayuno
Lunch - Comida
Dinner - Cena
Cheers! - ¡Salud!
Enjoy your meal - ¡Que aproveche!
Could I have the bill please? - La cuenta por favor
I’d like..., please - Quisiera...., por favor
I’m vegan - Soy vegano (male) / vegana (female)
I’m vegetarian - Soy vegetariano / vegetariana
I’m gluten free - Soy celíaco/celíaca
Do you have gluten free options? – ¿Tenéis menu para celíacos? (Sin gluten)
What time is breakfast/dinner - ¿A qué hora es el desayuno? /la cena
How much is it? - ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Hiking phrases
What time do you collect our bags? - ¿A qué hora recogéis las maletas?
Where do we leave our bags in the morning? - ¿Dónde dejamos las maletas por la mañana?
My name is ... and my booking is with Macs Adventure - Me llamo .... y tengo una reserva con Macs Adventure
I don’t speak Spanish - No hablo español
Do you speak English? - ¿Habla inglés?
Where is the nearest...? - ¿Dónde está el ..... más cercano? Supermarket? - Supermercado Bank? - Banco Bus stop? - Parada de autobús Pharmacy? - Farmacia
It hurts here - Me duele aquí
I am a pilgrim - Soy un peregrino
Where can I stamp my pilgrim's passport? - ¿Dónde puedo sellar mi credencial?
I’m lost - Me he perdido
Can you tell me how to find my hotel? - ¿Podría indicarme dónde está mi hotel?
Where is the Camino? - ¿Dónde está el Camino?
Where can I find drinking water? - ¿Dónde hay fuentes de agua potable?
What’s the WiFi password? - ¿Cuál es la contraseña del wifi?
Do you sell blister plasters? - ¿Tenéis tiritas para ampollas?
Where is the toilet? - ¿Dónde están los aseos?
Cycling phrases
My bike is broken – Se me ha estropeado la bici
A puncture – Se me ha pinchado una rueda de la bici
A broken chain – Se me ha roto la cadena de la bici
Brakes don’t work – Los frenos no funcionan
Where is a safe place to leave my bike? - ¿Cuál es el sitio más seguro para dejar la bicicleta?
Where can I buy cycling equipment? - ¿Dónde puedo comprar accessorios para mi bicicleta? / ¿Dónde puedo comprar material de ciclismo?
Basque phrases
As the first section of the Camino goes through Basque country, it will be useful to know a couple of phrases here. Everyone speaks Spanish too, but if you learn the pleasantries in Basque, it will make the local people very happy and very impressed.
Hi - Kaixo (kai-sho)
Goodbye - Agur (a-goor)
Please - Mesedez (me-se-des)
Excuse me - Barkatu (bar-ka-too)
Thank you - Eskerrik asko (es-ke-reek kas-ko)
Galego phrases
As the last part of the trip takes you through Galicia, there is a regional language there, which is kind of a cross between Spanish and Portuguese. Again, everyone will speak Spanish, so learning these phrases is just bonus points, but it is always nice to speak the local lingo.
Good morning - Bos días
Good afternoon/evening - Boas tardes
Goodbye - Adeus
Excuse me – Perdoa/perdoe/perdonade
Many thanks - Moitas gracias / moitas grazas